
Why you so tough?

It's been a rough weekend, and I haven't really slept properly. Friday I went with my friend sophia to a party is the meatpacking district with a bunch of seniors from our school, free entrance and free beer, what more can you wish for? We danced most of the evening. I talked to a guy I see every morning in my train I take every morning, which was quite funny. Went home to a guys called Dico's friends apartement with him, saw the movie KIDS and fell a sleep. Saturday was a crowded day too, shopping all day and over to a friends apartement at night drinking and smoking weed, went to a hip hop thing at Stengade 30.. So many people. Went home at 6-7 ish, and slept till 3 pm, woke up so hungover, and home to a big family dinner. Now, I'm so tired, and so beat up. Looking forward to relaxing.... Next weekend that is.

I miss my fuzz face, and I wish he was coming to the concert with me, or that he was here to chill with me, just for one night <3


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