Went out yesterday with my friend Céleste, sadly I don't have any pictures from it since my camera isn't working that well theese days after a tough Roskilde Festival. We went home to my friend Enrico's fathers apartment and listened to music and drank some beer, vodka and a whole bunch of other things. We walked to the Danish version of the meatpacking district to a bar called Karriere bar. It's always filled with cool people and good DJ's. Enrico and his Swedish friend Erik got lost and ended up at some other party, leaving Céleste and I at the bar. We met Habib on our way to catch a cab, but changed our mind and went back to the bar with them. We sat there for a couple of hours talking to Habib and his friend (I really don't remember his name). We were there until 3 am. where we took a cab back to Célestes house and slept there. Sadly I lost my scarf, so now I'm scarfless, it doesn't feel good. If anyone found a black Acne scarf, please give it back to me. I just hate loosing things when I'm out on the town. Especially this scarf since it's my favorite. Booooh Hoooo. Now I'm just about to go to my niece's birthday, she turns 2 today. It' actually also my dog's birthday, he turns 7. Happy birthday to Alberte and Malthe.
Happy birthday MALTE!!!!!!!!!
i wanna go to that bar.........yey!
Yes, we're going out drinking tonight to celebrate malthe.. He's buying the beer, my rich little dog.
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