Ive been standing on a latter most of the day picking cherries. It's now the first good ones start to come, so you have to be fast before the birds get to them, and make them uneatable. I remember when I was a little kid, I used to spend every moment with my grandfather, I loved him more than anybody else, he was the best, since my parents spent every moment working. But I remember one special weekend, I was at my grandfathers place, we were bored even though the sun was shining, so we took our bikes and rode all the way to my parents house, which is about 12 km. So as little girl, it seems like a lot longer, when we finally arrived, we found the old latter in the shed, and he would climb up the latter and pick the cherries and throw them down to me, and I would run around in my white dress with a basket in my hands trying to catch the falling cherries. After we had picked the amount we wanted, we took our bikes home to his place again, but on the way home we stopped at the local bakery and buy our favorite cake "kartoffelkage". When we got home we ate it all and fell a sleep in the hammock.
I remember my mom asking me after his death why I was so angry at her and my dad. I looked up to her and said: You were never there. I guess it's strong words for a girl of only 9. I cried for months and was unable to go to school in a week after his death, not a day goes by where I don't think about him.
Niels Thomsen
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