
Can you fix my broken heart?

I guess not. But you'll always be in it.


Glitter, glitter everywhere

I'm slightly in love with these pants, and although they're highwaisted I think I can make it work. Should I or shouldn't I buy them..


And anything to make you smile.

Note this is only funny if you know Danish, I didn't make it myself, but found it quite amusing. I do know th guy who wrote it, genius.

Udtryk og Ord - Outpress and Words.

- In the whole taken = I det hele taget.
- He looks like him on a dot = Han ligner ham på en prik.
- That must you self about = Det må du selv om.
- That is straight much = Det er ligemeget.
- May we then pray about the chambertone my fine friend = vi så bede om Kammertonen min fine ven.
- ..Whole wild alot = Helt vildt meget.
- A banger = En knallert.
- Is it driving = Kører det.
- Look my towerhigh tallspeaker = Se min tårnhøje højtaler.
- I butter me a food = Jeg smører mig en mad.
- That's a frontpart - Det er en fordel.
- Pearlmother = Perlemor.
- Is there hallway in it = Er der gang I den.
- You don't get more for that 25 ears = Så får du ikke mere for den 25 øre.
- You had so the hat fits = Du har fået så hatten passer.
- That must you further out on the countryside with - Den må du længere ud på landet med.
- Out on Lars Slimshits fields = Ude på Lars Tyndskids marker.
- You must hear alot before the ears fall off = Man må høre meget før ørene falder af.
- You can belive he got long in his face = Du kan tro han blev lang I ansigtet.
- So there you really have shot the parrot = Så der har du virkelig skudt papegøjen.
- The raisin in the sausage-bottom = Rosinen i pølse-enden.
- End, fart, final = Slut, prut, finale.

Danske Byer:

Slice = Skive.
Souldizzy = Sjælør.
Beerpiece = Ølstykke.
Happyscissors = Gladsakse.
Electioncity = Valby.
Behindsword = Bagsværd.
Yearhouse = Århus.
Eelcastle = Aalborg.
Mediumspeed = Middelfart.
Doggyplace = Hundested.


Dry your eyes.

I'm amazed, jumping, laughing, psyked, I simply don't know what to do with myself. The Streets are coming to DK once again, allthough I have just seen him at Roskilde doesn't mean I'm not gonna see him now. No, I'm gonna be the first one to buy tickets, wanna join me? write to me, cause I'm buying 2 tickets, one for me and one for you! And the tickets will be on the market already the 28th of july.


When the summersun sets.

I'm not a big fan of summer, I don't know what it is, spring I love, same with autum. It's just at summer you can feel so lonely everybody out travelling, and since I don't travel that much I*m always left behind in little old Denmark. But in some ways this summer feels different, I'm older, more free and the whole summer just seems more spontanious. So far I've been to Roskilde which was amazing, the best people ever, the start could have been better, I'm just glad I have better friends. Next came a weekend in sweden. And now I'm planning to drive around with my friends in Europe and ultimatly go to Serbia to visit our two freinds. I don't know what it is, and I mean I do get a bit lonely from time to time, but still this summer has been my best so far. This summer might make me change my mind about summer.


I'm darker than you think.

Meeting friends.
Drinking shot after shot.
Walking from bar to bar till 7 am.
Throwing a coin into a fountain and wishing.
"Stealing" an old bike and driving around at 4.30 am.
Watching the sun rising from a dirty train window on the way home.


I'll be in the lobby, drinking for two

Falcon Beer.

"Raggar" Car

Acne Jeans.




Grilled chicken.


Johan and Marina at Tre Toppar.

My new Toga shoes.

Marina and Robban.



Ass fuck shit shit shit ass fucker fuck fuck.



Me as Donald Trump.


Reginald and Marina.



Excuse me, is this where i can buy a sax?

Saturday: Got out of our jammies at about 4 I think. Drove Johan's parents to some party thing, and went to Tre Toppar and ate icecream! SO GOOD! After the amazing icecream we went to Kickan's place and drank some beer, or I did.. Kickan cut Johan's hair, so now he's looking fine and dandy! Went home at about 12 I think and ate some grilled chicken.

Sunday: Went to Gothenburg at about 11 am. Johan went by train on a handicap seat while Marina and I drove with Per. Went to Marina's place, left our bags and then shopping. I bought Helmut Lang jeans, Weekday Leatherskirt, Chanel nailpolish, Monki suit, Mini Market t-shirt and a Acne Jeans dress. Ate dinner at a french café with Per, Marina and Johan. Perfect day! Went home to poor little DK at 5.40 pm. it took about 4 hours, and when you're sitting next to a kid who has smelly feet and isn't wearing shoes, it seems like a lot longer.. But after he went off I enjoyed my ride, with Vogue, candy, ice tea and my iPod by my side.


I see you.

I'm in sweden, what a lovely country! Right now I'm living at Johan's place, which is in the middle of nowhere in a little place called Säm. I arrived yesterday at 3.30 pm. Went to get something to eat with Marina and Johan, met Anton randomly on the street, so weird, especially since it is "raggarhelg" A weekend where people with old cars meet up in Varberg driving around for hours just to show off their cars, which means there are a lot of people. In The evening we went to Amanda b. b's place and drank beer played ball and listened to music. Went to a club or whatever afterwards called "Bodegan" where you had to be 18, so I couldn't get in at first, instead I had to sit on a bench outside the club for about an hour, which would have been bad, but anton and some other people decided to sit down with me and keep me company. In the end I came in, by running past the guards, we stayed there for some time drinking more beers.. Went home to Johan's place at 2.30 am, eating some pie like thing.

Don't know what were doing today really, for know we're just relaxing lying in bed, it's almost 3, and were still in our pj's.

(Pictures will come once I come home)


What was the question? Oh yeah! Memento Mori.

This made me laugh, I've always had a thing for Mike Skinner, he's amazing, as reporter Kristoffer Dahy Ernst from COVER said: MIKE SKINNER MARRY ME!


Me: Sweet. You: Yes YOU! Are.

Ive been standing on a latter most of the day picking cherries. It's now the first good ones start to come, so you have to be fast before the birds get to them, and make them uneatable. I remember when I was a little kid, I used to spend every moment with my grandfather, I loved him more than anybody else, he was the best, since my parents spent every moment working. But I remember one special weekend, I was at my grandfathers place, we were bored even though the sun was shining, so we took our bikes and rode all the way to my parents house, which is about 12 km. So as little girl, it seems like a lot longer, when we finally arrived, we found the old latter in the shed, and he would climb up the latter and pick the cherries and throw them down to me, and I would run around in my white dress with a basket in my hands trying to catch the falling cherries. After we had picked the amount we wanted, we took our bikes home to his place again, but on the way home we stopped at the local bakery and buy our favorite cake "kartoffelkage". When we got home we ate it all and fell a sleep in the hammock.

I remember my mom asking me after his death why I was so angry at her and my dad. I looked up to her and said: You were never there. I guess it's strong words for a girl of only 9. I cried for months and was unable to go to school in a week after his death, not a day goes by where I don't think about him.

Niels Thomsen



Neil, Minte, Hanna, Amanda, Robin, Wictor, Anton, Seger, Carl, Johan, Jenna, Peddan, Roberth, Frederik, Sebastian.

Jump up on my shoulders.

Btw. smoking joints while listening to Cocorosie wasn't bad either.

Look at me.

Look look look

I'm beginning to fall for you.

I just came home from Roskilde Festival yesterday. So beat up, and so tired. I had a wonderfulweek among friends, I drank more this week than what I've drinked over this past year. Youdon't really have a schedule, just drink. Basicly this is your day: wake up, drink, get drunk, fallasleep, wake up, drink, get drunk, fall asleep etc. etc. It never stops. We've just been sitting in our tents, feeling like the worst trailer park trash, wearing shorts that were once long jeans and a white slightly drity wifebeater listening to songs like Please, daddy (don't get drunk thischristmas) and Smoke, smoke, smoke (that cigarette) while drinking Jack Daniels. I don't think anything can describes how it is to be there, you don't need drugs to have a great time. The three greatest moments of the festival:

1. The Hellacopters concert, not only because of the music. The walk home from the concert wasn't bad either.

2. The Streets concert with my brother, we haven't really been all that close these past years, but lately I feel like we have more and more together, this concerts was amazing, and a nice thing to share with him. But it wasn't only because of that, but also because of the fact that Mike Skinner did an amazing job, everybody knew the songs and sung along, the songs bring back good memories, the only thing missing was memento mori.

3. The whole Neil Young concert was amazing.

I'm already looking forward to next year, I'm hoping that you will come again.

Kim is all over the place